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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: September 12, 2023

This Privacy Policy applies to all Services related to Flexalon Copilot. It does not apply to other products provided by Virtual Maker.

What information Virtual Maker collects

"Personal Information" is any information about one of our users which could, alone or together with other information, personally identify them or otherwise be reasonably linked or connected with them. Information such as a username and password, an email address, a real name, an Internet protocol (IP) address, and a photograph are examples of “Personal Information.”

Personal Information does not include aggregated, non-personally identifying information that does not identify a User or cannot otherwise be reasonably linked or connected with them. We may use such aggregated, non-personally identifying information for research purposes and to operate, analyze, improve, and optimize our website and Services.

Information users provide directly to Virtual Maker

Account Information

At the time of account creation, we ask you for a valid email address, name, profession, and company.

User Content

When you use our Services, we collect Personal Information that is included in the input, file uploads, or feedback that you provide to our Services (“Content”).

Payment Information

We use Stripe (www.stripe.com) to collect, process, and store payment information.

Information Virtual Maker automatically collects from your use of the Services

Usage information

If you're accessing our Services, we automatically collect the same basic information that most services collect. This includes information about how you use the Services, such as the pages you view, the referring site, session information, and the date and time of each request. This is information we collect from every user of the Services, whether they have an account or not. This information is not personally identifying and is not considered Personal Information.

Cookies and similar technologies

As further described below, we automatically collect information from cookies and similar technologies to keep you logged in, remember your preferences, and to analyze your use of our service.

What information Virtual Maker does not collect

We do not intentionally collect “Sensitive Personal Information”, such as personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation. If you choose to store any Sensitive Personal Information on our servers, you are responsible for complying with any regulatory controls regarding that data.

If you are a child under the age of 13, you may not have an account on Virtual Maker. Virtual Maker does not knowingly collect Personal Information from or direct any of our content specifically to children under 13. If we learn or have reason to suspect that you are a user who is under the age of 13, we will have to close your account. Please see our Terms of Use for information about account termination. Different countries may have different minimum age limits, and if you are below the minimum age for providing consent for data collection in your country, you may not have an account on Virtual Maker.

We do not intentionally collect Personal Information provided as Content. Any personal information provided as Content is your responsibility.

How Virtual Maker uses your information

  • We may use your information for the following purposes:
  • We use your Registration Information to create your account, and to provide you the Service.
  • We use your Content to provide, administer, maintain and/or analyze the Services.
  • We use your email address to identify you and to communicate with you, if you've said that's okay, and only for the reasons you’ve said that’s okay.
  • We use Personal Information to respond to support requests.
  • We may use Personal Information to invite you to take part in surveys, beta programs, or other research projects, subject, where necessary, to your consent.
  • We use Usage Information to better understand how our users use Virtual Maker and to improve our website and Services.
  • We may use your Personal Information if it is necessary for security purposes or to investigate possible fraud or attempts to harm Virtual Maker or our users.
  • We may use your Personal Information to comply with our legal obligations, protect our intellectual property, and enforce our Terms of Use.
  • We limit our use of your Personal Information to the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy. If we need to use your Personal Information for other purposes, we will ask your permission first.

Our legal bases for processing information

To the extent that our processing of your Personal Information is subject to certain international laws (including, but not limited to, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)), Virtual Maker is required to notify you about the legal basis on which we process Personal Information. Virtual Maker processes Personal Information on the following legal bases:

Contract Performance

When you create a Virtual Maker account, you provide your Registration Information. We require this information for you to enter into the Terms of Use agreement with us, and we process that information on the basis of performing that contract. We also process your username and email address on other legal bases, as described below.

If you have Paid Services with us, we collect and process additional Payment Information on the basis of performing that contract.

When you buy an Asset from us, we process Payment and Transaction Information and additional elements in order to perform the contract that applies to those services.


We rely on your consent to use your Personal Information under the following circumstances: when you fill out the information in your user profile; when you decide to participate in a Virtual Maker training, research project, beta program, or survey; and for marketing purposes, where applicable. All of this Personal Information is entirely optional, and you have the ability to access, modify, and delete it at any time. You may withdraw your consent at any time.

Legitimate Interests

Generally, the remainder of the processing of Personal Information we perform is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interest, for example, for legal compliance purposes, security purposes, or to maintain ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of Virtual Maker’s systems, website, and Services.

If you would like to request deletion of data we process on the basis of consent or if you object to our processing of personal information, please email us.

How we share the information we collect

We may share your Personal Information with third parties under one of the following circumstances:

With your consent

We share your Personal Information, if you consent, after letting you know what information will be shared, with whom, and why.

With service providers

  • OpenAI: To provide our services, we transmit Content to OpenAI, a language processing and machine learning service. Please refer to OpenAI data usage policies.
  • Stripe: We share your email address with Stripe (www.stripe.com) when you take action to start a payment transaction in order to associate your Virtual Maker account with the transaction. Please refer to Stripe's Privacy Policy.

For legal disclosure

Virtual Maker strives for transparency in complying with legal process and legal obligations. Unless prevented from doing so by law or court order, or in rare, exigent circumstances, we make a reasonable effort to notify users of any legally compelled or required disclosure of their information. Virtual Maker may disclose Personal Information or other information we collect about you to law enforcement if required in response to a valid subpoena, court order, search warrant, a similar government order, or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to protect our property or rights, or those of third parties or the public at large.

Change in control or sale

We may share Personal Information if we are involved in a merger, sale, or acquisition of corporate entities or business units. If any such change of ownership happens, we will ensure that it is under terms that preserve the confidentiality of Personal Information, and we will notify you on our website or by email before any transfer of your Personal Information. The organization receiving any Personal Information will have to honor any promises we made in our Privacy Policy or Terms of Use.

Aggregate, non-personally identifying information

We share certain aggregated, non-personally identifying information with others about how our users, collectively, use Virtual Maker, or how our users respond to our other offerings, such as our conferences or events.

We do not sell your Personal Information for monetary or other consideration.

Please note: The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) requires businesses to state in their privacy policy whether or not they disclose personal information in exchange for monetary or other valuable consideration. While CCPA only covers California residents, we voluntarily extend its core rights for people to control their data to all of our users, not just those who live in California. You can learn more about the CCPA and how we comply with it here.

Other important information

How you can access and control the information we collect

Please contact us by email if you wish to access, alter, or remove any of your Personal Information or Content.

Our use of cookies and tracking

Virtual Maker only uses strictly necessary cookies. Cookies are small text files that websites often store on computer hard drives or mobile devices of visitors.

We use cookies or similar technologies solely to provide, secure, and improve our Services. For example, we use them to keep you logged in, remember your preferences, identify your device for security purposes, analyze your use of our Services, compile statistical reports, and provide information for future development of Virtual Maker.

How Virtual Maker secures your information

Virtual Maker takes all measures reasonably necessary to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction; maintain data accuracy; and help ensure the appropriate use of Personal Information.

In the event of a data breach that affects your Personal Information, we will act promptly to mitigate the impact of a breach and notify any affected users without undue delay.

Transmission of data on Virtual Maker is encrypted using HTTPS (TLS), and User Content is encrypted at rest.

No method of transmission, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Virtual Maker's global privacy practices

We store and process the information that we collect in the United States in accordance with this Privacy Policy, though our service providers may store and process data outside the United States. However, we understand that we have users from different countries and regions with different privacy expectations, and we try to meet those needs even when the United States does not have the same privacy framework as other countries.

We provide the same high standard of privacy protection as described in this Privacy Policy to all our users around the world, regardless of their country of origin or location, and we are proud of the levels of notice, choice, accountability, security, data integrity, access, and recourse we provide. We work hard to comply with the applicable data privacy laws wherever we do business. Additionally, if our vendors or affiliates have access to Personal Information, they must sign agreements that require them to comply with our privacy policies and with applicable data privacy laws. In particular:

  • Virtual Maker provides clear methods of unambiguous, informed, specific, and freely given consent at the time of data collection, when we collect your Personal Information using consent as a basis.
  • We collect only the minimum amount of Personal Information necessary for our purposes, unless you choose to provide more. We encourage you to only give us the amount of data you are comfortable sharing.
  • You may contact us to access, alter, or delete the Personal Information we have collected, where legally permitted.
  • We provide our users notice, choice, accountability, security, and access regarding their Personal Information, and we limit the purpose for processing it.

Cross-border data transfers

Virtual Maker processes personal information inside of the United States and relies on Standard Contractual Clauses as the legally provided mechanism to lawfully transfer data from the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland to the United States.

How we communicate with you

We use your email address to communicate with you, if you've said that's okay, and only for the reasons you’ve said that’s okay. For example, if you contact our Support team with a request, we respond to you via email.

Depending on your email settings, Virtual Maker may occasionally send notification emails about changes to your projects, new features, requests for feedback, important policy changes, or to offer customer support. We also send marketing emails, based on your choices and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. To opt out from marketing emails, please visit your account page. Please note that you cannot opt out of receiving important communications from us, such as emails from our Support team or system emails.

Resolving complaints

If you have concerns about the way Virtual Maker is handling your Personal Information, please let us know immediately. We want to help. You may contact us by email. We will respond promptly — within 45 days at the latest.

Dispute resolution process

In the unlikely event that a dispute arises between you and Virtual Maker regarding our handling of your Personal Information, we will do our best to resolve it. Additionally, if you are a resident of an EU member state, you have the right to file a complaint with your local supervisory authority, and you might have more options.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Virtual Maker may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will provide notification to users of material changes to this Privacy Policy through our website at least 14 days prior to the change taking effect by posting a notice on our home page or sending email to the primary email address specified in your Virtual Maker account.