Prompt Context

The Prompt Context is essential for Flexalon Copilot to understand and execute your commands. The Prompt Context consists of the canvas (required), other GameObjects, and assets.

Prompt Context


For Flexalon Copilot to do its work, it needs to know which Canvas you want to modify or generate UI under. If you don't specify a Canvas, Copilot will create a new one.

GameObject Context

You can add additional gameObjects as context to help Copilot understand what you want to do.

If you say "Make the red box bigger", and there is only one red box in the scene, Copilot can usually figure out which gameObject you're talking about. But if there are 10 red boxes, you'll need to select the gameObject you want to modify.

Asset Context

Sometimes, you may want Copilot to utilize your sprites, fonts, or other assets for UI generation. You can select these assets or add them at the bottom of the chat window.

Flexalon Copilot currently understands the following asset types:

  • Sprite
  • TMP_FontAsset
  • FlexalonStyle