Prefab Sets

When you prompt Flexalon Copilot to generate UI elements such as buttons or input fields, it instantiates these elements from a set of built-in prefabs.

Prefab Set

To use a different prefab set, assign it in the chat window:

Assign the Prefab Set

Built-in Prefab Sets (Themes)

You can find these built-in prefab sets under FlexalonCopilot/Themes.

Light Prefab Set

Light Prefab Set

Dark Prefab Set

Dark Prefab Set

Custom Prefab Sets

To create your own prefab set, you can duplicate the default one or click Assets > Create > Flexalon Copilot > Prefab Set.

Your prefab set must meet some basic requirements for Flexalon Copilot to edit them correctly:

Panel Will be used for top-level windows, dialogs, and sections. Must have a Flexalon Panel component.
Image Must have a UGUI Image component.
Button Must have a UGUI Button component.
Toggle Must have a UGUI Toggle component.
Slider Must have a UGUI Slider component.
Scrollbar Must have a UGUI Scrollbar component.
Scroll Rect Must have a UGUI ScrollRect component with the 'Viewport' field assigned and 'Content' field left unassigned.
Input Field Must have a TMP_InputField component with Text and Placeholder fields assigned.
Dropdown Must have a TMP_Dropdown component.